
2 Ways To Print Your Book On A Budget

If you've recently authored a book, you are likely very excited about the prospect of getting your written work out to the masses.  However, one thing may be standing in your way: Lack of funds.  You will need money in order to get your book printed so that it can be distributed to individuals situated all across the globe.  While you may be disheartened because you just don't know where you will be able to get the money you need to print your books, use this information to learn more about how you can get your books into printed format even if you're on a budget.

Understanding Which Printing Method to Use for Your Copying Needs

When you own a business, there are going to be times when you need to have something printed that cannot be done on the computer printers you have in the office. Professional printers have different techniques of creating the printed materials you require. The most commonly used method is offset printing. However, digital printing is also very popular and has a few advantages over offset printing. Before leaving your original copy of the material you need printed, ask which methods are available.

Smart Things You Can Do With Your Business Cards

Business cards can do a lot more than distribute contact information. Using your business cards in smart ways, you can encourage more people to reach out to your business and attract attention from people that you never imagined would be clients. These tips will help you use your business cards to your full advantage.  Use Your Cards to Distribute Promotions If your business sells items that are regularly placed on sale, use your business cards to double as a coupon.

Planning A Food-Related Spring Rush Event

For many sororities, spring means that it's time for the informal recruitment process to begin. Spring rush doesn't include formal events like fall rush. Instead, participating sororities host casual, themed events. While it's often easier to plan a casual event, it's common for sorority members to have trouble coming up with an event theme -- especially if the sorority has a limited budget. Hosting a food-related spring rush event is simple and cost effective.